The Nation's Leading Asian American Non-profit
The NAAC has the People and Programs to support you
Why Choose Us

Credit Score
Start building your credit score with a SPRING Loan and get access to more financial services in the future.

Low Barrier Loan
Have your loan application reviewed and approved within two business days.

Free Expert Credit Counseling
Certified credit counselors will help get your personal finances back on track.

Financial Literacy
Be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools you need to make sound financial decisions.
Not yet ready to apply?
Complete FDIC’s “How Money Smart Are You?” financial education program for faster loan approval.
Get started
- California Financial Partners -

To continually support lending solutions for underserved communities.
** NAAC is a US Department of Treasury Certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) with a mission to provide low-income borrowers with access to essential financial services, affordable credit, and investment capital who have historically been excluded from traditional banking services.